微软中国组内直招实习生 有效期一周

领导说 至少3个月 越长越好 要俩人

主要领域: Time Series OR Knowledge Graph


Overview: Microsoft Decision AI team in the Cloud + AI Platform organization is hiring motivated and skilled intern passionate about working on building industry leading decision AI platform.

Job qualifications: Candidates need to have computer science or related software engineering fields and have deep learning/machine learning experience.

  • Experience with machine learning or deep learning is advantageous in this role, the intuition associated with such experiences can help make our product naturally easy to use for data scientists. We also believe in learning and growing on the job, so passionate about ML and desire to learn is what is most important in this regard.
  • Experience on Time-series Mining or Knowledge Graph related could be preferred.
  • Passionate on software engineering and machine learning/deep learning fields.
  • Solid coding, engineering and analytical skills, rich experience with large scale system design, API design, implementation and debugging.
  • Outstanding analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Superior communication skills, both verbal and written.

Job responsibilities: You will be part of a passionate team, build advanced models to enhance the ability of the platform.

Job Location: Beijing, China

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances.

简历请发: davidliangze@foxmail.com

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发布于 2021-08-24 15:43


03-13 13:32
目前手里有几个offer,1个校招其他都是社招。催得比较紧,希望大家可以给点参考意见1.北京用友。周2,4加班到9点。部门组内情况据说是双休。公积金全额的12%  技术比较旧,自研框架,加班,但是钱给的多。校招已签,税前总包N2.北京曲一线 社招 地点在亦庄 在线教育行业。(出名产品 5年高考3年模拟 )13-15薪 公积金全额8% 社保北京最低标准,试用期不打折。8:30-5:30 双休,加班给调休。强度肯定比用友低,技术比较新,面试过程聊的挺好,薪资也是走的副总特批。对我重视程度较高,或许进去会有好的发展。但社保公积金比较低。税前总包N-63.上海某外企社招 在周浦 13.5薪 公积金全额7% 8:30-5:30 双休 wlb还是比较稳定的。但需要24h OnCall 解决紧急问题 频率不清楚。也有国外出差的情况,leader已经在职15年以上,leader汇报给老外,我汇报给leader。稳定性还可以,没有撤离等情况,主要是信息智慧化相关,但是技术比较旧,传统行业对后期提升和跳槽帮助不大。税前总包N-7,offer还在审批中。4.中国钢研下的二级子公司,北京央企社招,出差多,绩效考核,试用期和转正后都要考核。不合格会解除劳动合同。压力感觉比传统央企大,并不轻松,不能躺平。 技术比较新,人工智能项目组。税前总包N-10北京无户口,上海100%有户口这周就要做个选择,目前比较纠结的是要不要为了wlb或央企或技术氛围放弃接近10w的薪资,如果放弃用友还有违约金。引流:腾讯,阿里,华为,字节,百度,美团,快手,用友,微软,西门子,施耐德,特斯拉 #晒一晒我的offer#  #选了这个offer,你有没有后悔?#   #牛客在线求职答疑中心#  #计算机#
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