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Calculate longest "solid varia

[编程题]Calculate longest "solid
  • 热度指数:2 时间限制:C/C++ 4秒,其他语言8秒 空间限制:C/C++ 64M,其他语言128M
  • 算法知识视频讲解
Given two zero-indexed arrays A and B consisting of M and N (M > 0, N > 0) strings, which represent M and N variables in two different models P and Q. Each variable is a string, which contains letters "a-z" in lower case only. Variables in arrays A and B are initially sorted by their contribution to the model, from large to small, which means, A[0] has the largest contribution to model P, while A[M-1] has the smallest contribution to model P. If there are X variables existing in same order in both A and B, they form a "solid variable group" of which the length is X. The goal is to calculate the length of the longest "solid variable group", and find out the variables in the longest "solid variable group". If there are more than 1 longest "solid variable groups", find out the one which has the largest contribution to model P. For example: A is ['paypal', 'business', 'money', 'innovation', 'strong'] B is ['innovation', 'paypal', 'strong', 'inclusion'] The length of the longest "solid variable group" is 2, and two "solid variable groups" of length 2 are ('paypal', 'strong') and ('innovation', 'strong'). Since 'paypal' has larger contribution to model P than 'innovation', the output should be 2 and ('paypal', 'strong').

Array A and B as described above

The first line should be the length of the longest "solid variable group", while the second line should be the longest "solid variable group" which has the largest contribution to model P. If there's no longest "solid variable group" available, the second line should be a blank line.


paypal business money innovation strong
innovation paypal strong inclusion


paypal strong