Intel Sports!直击冬奥会!研发岗招聘(非校招)

Media SW Engineer on Mobile platform

Job description:

Intel Sports is building immersive media products that aims to give fans a new and superior way to engage with sports content. We in Intel Sports mobile SDK team is responsible for the capability to render the Intel sports immersive media contents.

We are looking for Media SW Engineer on iOS or android platform to create and delivery this immersive experience capability as part of Intel Sports mobile SDK team.

  • Implement the interface and capability to communicate with Cloud platform and stream/render the Intel Sports media assets on iOS or android platform.

  • Analysis and tuning video quality and performance in media player

  • Implement the GUI based on graphics API

  • Analysis and tuning graphics quality and performance

  • Implement the demo app based on Intel Sports mobile SDK on iOS platform or other mobile platforms.

Job qualification:

  • Bachelor or above degree of Computer Science or Computer Engineering or math or related engineering field.

  • Good knowledge and working experience on media player, video codec and video processing on mobile platforms.

  • Good knowledge of Java or Swift, Objective C.

  • Good knowledge of C/C++ programming and object oriented programming principles.

  • Good knowledge of app development on iOS or Android mobile operating systems.

  • Knowledge of Client/Server communication and transmission protocols.

  • Knowledge of REST API.

  • Knowledge of mobile system database.

  • Knowledge of 3D graphics API.

  • Working experience on OpenGL/OpenGL ES/Metal is a plus.

  • Knowledge of Linux or macOS operating system.

  • Familiar of Java script or python programming is a plus.

  • Working experience of Graphics, rendering algorithms and related techniques is a plus.

  • Knowledge of audio domain is a plus.

  • Good English communication skill include verbal and writing skills.

Is that available for internship ? I am a IOS developer in my junior year.....
发布于 2019-03-28 11:29


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