
作者:【美】西尔伯查茨 等  出版社:高等教育出版社

题目 题型
What are the advantages and disadvantages of writing an operating system in a high-level language,such as C? 问答
In what circumstances is the system-call sequence fork()exec()most appropriate?When is vfork()preferable? 问答
What socket type should be used to implement an intercomputer file-transfer program?What type should be used for a program tha 问答
 Linux runs on a variety of hardware platforms.What steps must the Linux developers take to ensure that the system is portable 问答
What are the advantages and disadvantages of making only some of the symbols defined inside a kernel accessible to a loadable 问答
What are the primary goals of the conflict resolution mechanism used by the Linux kernel for loading kernel modules?  问答
Discuss how the clone()operation supported by Linux is used to support both processes and threads. 问答
Would one classify Linux threads as user-level threads or as kernel-level threads?Support your answer with the appropriate arg 问答
What are the extra costs incurred by the creation and scheduling of a process,as compared to the cost of a cloned thread? 问答
The Linux scheduler implements soft real-time scheduling.What features are missing that are necessary for some real-time progr 问答
Under what circumstances would an user process request an operation that results in the allocation of a demand-zero memory reg 问答
What scenarios would cause a page of memory to be mapped into an user program's address space with the copy-on-write attribute 问答
In Linux,shared libraries perform many operations central to the operating system.What is the advantage of keeping this functi 问答
 The directory structure of a Linux operating system could comprise of files corresponding to different file systems,including 问答
In what ways does the Linux setuid feature differ from the setuid feature in standard Unix? 问答
The Linux source code is freely and widely available over the Internet or from CD-Rom vendors.What three implications does thi 问答