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The IA64 processors contain re


The IA64 processors contain registers that can be used to address a 64-bit address space.However,Windows xPlimits the address space of user programs to 8-TB,which corresponds to 43 bits'worth.Why was this decision made?


Answer:Each page table entry is 64 bits wide and each page is 8KBon the IA64.Consequently,each pagecan contain 1024 page table entries. The virtual memory system therefore requires three levels of page tables to translate a virtual address to a physical address in order to addressa

8-TB virtual address space.(The first level page table is indexed using the first 10 bits of the virtual address,the second level page table using the next 10 bits,and the third level page table is indexed using the next 10bits,with the remaining 13 bits used to index into the page.)If the

virtual address space is bigger,more levels would be required in the page table organization,and therefore more memory references would be required to translate a virtual address to the corresponding physical address during a TLB fault.The decision regarding the 43-bit address

space represents a trade-off between the size of the virtual address space and the cost of performing an address translation.

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