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A 国网络状况较差,资费较贵; B 国喜欢社交和分享

A 国网络状况较差,资费较贵;
B 国喜欢社交和分享,经常上社交网站;
C 国喜欢下载音乐跟视频,

请以 UC 浏览器作为产品,根据各个国家的情况设计出一句适合该国的英语口号。

<p>A. Surfing Internet with better speedroad </p><p>B. sharing interested things with new friends </p><p>C. Welcom to the music world </p>
发表于 2020-12-28 16:55:07 回复(0)
A国:surf the internet in a streamlined way
B国:Discuss interested content with friends and share with others around you
C国:Massive music and video resources,support one-click download
发表于 2019-05-25 07:01:49 回复(0)