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[Structure] Umbrella organisat


[Structure] Umbrella organisation: It supports the Board of Directors n managing the entire bank Some members of the umbrella organisation are simultaneousily members of Euro-Banks international subsidiaries or other committees Subordinated to the umbrella organisation are three divisions Investment Bank (IB): Clients are normally private and public instutons as wellas medium-sized and global companies Every client has its own contact person.lB offers capital market productsprimarily in Europe Private and Business Clients (PBC): This division is Euro-Banks biggest and most important division and solely services private clients and small businessesin investments The majority of the client segments are located in Germany but also in othercountries of Europe Estate lnvestments (El):El manages real estate and industrial holdings Alithough this division is ratherinsignifcant. the group will not withdraw from this sector in the foreseeable future as itis of strategic importance. Q:Euro-Bank's Private Clients division has most of its clients in Germany.

  • ture
  • false
  • can not say
  • 不会
”Private and Business Clients (PBC): This division is Euro-Banks biggest and most important division and solely services private clients and small businessesin investments The majority of the client segments are located in Germany but also in othercountries of Europe Estate lnvestments
“Euro-Bank's Private Clients division has most of its clients in Germany."

发表于 2020-07-05 20:53:58 回复(3)
发表于 2022-04-16 09:00:20 回复(0)
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难道因为private and business client 主要客户在德国,但是private单独拎出来就不一定?
发表于 2020-08-06 08:36:42 回复(1)