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[Objectives] Corporate Governa


[Objectives] Corporate Governance Objectives:Above all, the umbrella organisation and national affliates are bound to them.They include: Shareholders rights: The right to vote which can only be personally exercised as well as the free acquisition or free amortisation of shares. Obligations of the executive board and advisory board: The executve board and acvisory board decide on the company strategy together; in exceptional cases, the executive board can decide alone.Ifthe exccutve boa d decides alone, it must promptly inform the advisory board and the shareholders. Remuneration: The remuneration of the members of the executive board is determined by a majority yote of the advisory board, while the executive board decides on the remuner aton of the upper concern management by amajority vote Transparency: It is not guaranteed if a written financial reportis not completed by the executive board Q:The advisory board decides on the remuneration of the executive board members through a majority vote in accordance with the Corporate Governance Objectives of Evergreen Ltd.

  • true
  • false
  • can not say
  • 不会
发表于 2021-04-07 23:09:25 回复(0)
发表于 2021-06-21 15:54:28 回复(0)

* corporate governance objectives  公司治理的目标

* shareholders' rights  股东的权力

* the free acquistion or free amortisation of shares 自由收购或自由摊销股票  

* obligations of the executive board and advisory board 执行委员会和咨询委员会的义务  

* in exceptional cases 在特殊的情况下

* remuneration n. 报酬;酬劳,赔偿 
发表于 2021-08-04 10:06:21 回复(0)
发表于 2020-09-24 12:11:42 回复(0)
while 只是表示两部分的薪酬如何决定,没有否定前者的意思啊。不选 true 真的奇怪
发表于 2021-08-25 10:46:30 回复(0)
这句话原句就是 The remuneration(5酬金) of (4的)the members(3成员) of(2的) the executive board(1执行委员会) is determined by(6 是被……决定的) a majority vote (9投票)of (8的)the advisory board (7咨询委员会). 就不说题目中那么多拼写错误了,写得很清楚就是执行董事会成员的remuneration是通过咨询董事的投票决定的啊。怎么答案能是false的呢?????????太搞笑了。另外,while和这题一点关系都没有。
发表于 2021-07-14 06:10:39 回复(0)
The remuneration of the members of the executive board is determined by a majority yote of the advisory board, while the executive board decides on the remuner aton of the upper concern management by amajority vote Transparency: It is not guaranteed if a written financial reportis not completed by the executive board.
发表于 2020-05-01 10:23:23 回复(0)