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(CEBSHL Talent Measurement) D


(CEB|SHL Talent Measurement) Driving a car safely takes focus, and Chief Constable Johnson views mobile phones as yet another distraction that can take away focus and potentially lead to an accident. The Chief Constable, who also is the department's accident reconstruction guru, doesn't have statistics that show the role that mobile phones play in accidents because there is a large amount of underreporting. A recent survey of 500 people indicated that half of those questioned had seen unsafe driving caused by other drivers talking on mobile phones ,More than 90 percent felt the practice was either "extremely dangerous" or "somewhat dangerous." Referring to the above, what information do statistics provide regarding mobile phones and accidents?

  • There is probably a correlation between the use of a mobile phone and the frequency of accidents.
  • Statistics show that more than 450 people felt the use Of mobile phones while driving was either "extremely dangerous" or "somewhat dangerous."
  • Statistics provide little information because of the large amount of underreporting.
  • There is probably no correlation between the use Of a mobile phone and the frequency Of accidents.
  • Statistics show that 250 people had seen unsafe driving caused by other drivers talking on mobile phones.
原文就有:doesn't have statistics that show the role that mobile phones play in accidents because there is a large amount of underreporting
发表于 2021-04-07 22:11:26 回复(0)
发表于 2020-08-28 17:27:08 回复(0)
A推测,而且不是频繁的交通事故,只是手机和事故相关。 B、D得在500样本前提下,然后说有多少人。
发表于 2023-11-03 22:34:07 回复(0)
who also is the department's accident reconstruction guru, doesn't have statistics that show the role that mobile phones play in accidents because there is a large amount of underreporting.

发表于 2021-03-03 16:51:30 回复(0)
B为什么不正确啊,是不是因为不是Statistics show that,而应该是Survey of 500 people shows that?
发表于 2020-09-10 20:00:30 回复(3)
发表于 2020-07-27 23:29:17 回复(0)