

运营 广州
详情 收起

薪酬:7K-12K  |  学历要求:本科及以上  |  工作年限:0年以上

1、通过文字在线方式为平台用户提供优质的咨询服务; 1. Provice Excellent customer service for End-users via online text messages 2、收集用户意见与建议,安抚用户情绪,避免问题升级; 2. Collect feedbacks and suggestions from Users, Calm users and avoid escalating conflicts. 3、配合各业务部门做好故障跟踪,推动故障修复效率; 3. Cooperate with other departments to follow-up errors and push on error correction effeciency. 4、熟悉客服服务准则与产品逻辑,配合上级或业务部门做好问题处理与产品优化工作。 Be familiar with customer service standards and product logics, cooperate with operation departments to optimize products. 5、管理用户社区,做好意见收集、帖子发布、活跃气氛等工作。 Manage User community, including but not limited to collect suggestions, send announcements, enliven community atmosphere.
1.熟悉西方文化和语言环境,英语听说读写运用熟练,文字整理表达能力强; 1. Familiar with the Cultural and language environment of English speaking Countries, sound English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, excellent English writing skill is required. 2.熟练使用Excel、word等办公软件,能独立完成数据报表统计与分析; 2. Proficient skill in Microsoft Office software like Excel, Word; able to formulate statistic and data analysis. 3.注重团队合作,具备良好的情绪管理能力,思维活跃,语言整理与表达能力强,能准确理解上级传达的工作内容; 3. Good team spirit, good emotional management skills, sharp, excellent at language presentation and accurate expressions, able to understand give assignments accurately. 4.对直播感兴趣,热爱客服工作。 4. Intersted in Live stream, passionate about customer serivce. 5、开朗大方,细心严谨,有耐心。 Bright, Chary, Patient. 6.对于管理海外社媒如Discord社区、Facebook官方主页等有经验者优先。 Experience in managing overseas social media such as Discord community and Facebook official homepage is preferred.


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