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[Structure] Umbrella organisat


[Structure] Umbrella organisation: It supports the Board of Directors n managing the entire bank Some members of the umbrella organisation are simultaneousily members of Euro-Banks international subsidiaries or other committees Subordinated to the umbrella organisation are three divisions Investment Bank (IB): Clients are normally private and public instutons as wellas medium-sized and global companies Every client has its own contact person.lB offers capital market productsprimarily in Europe Private and Business Clients (PBC): This division is Euro-Banks biggest and most important division and solely services private clients and small businessesin investments The majority of the client segments are located in Germany but also in othercountries of Europe Estate lnvestments (El):El manages real estate and industrial holdings Alithough this division is ratherinsignifcant. the group will not withdraw from this sector in the foreseeable future as itis of strategic importance. Q:In line with its focus on its core business ,Euro-bank laid off employees in order to bring down costs.

  • ture
  • false
  • can not say
  • 不会
发表于 2021-04-07 23:10:14 回复(0)
没有提到的 can not say,文中有提到的但是不对的,是false。
发表于 2021-11-13 08:49:43 回复(0)
组织:它支持董事会n管理整个银行组织的一些成员simultaneousily Euro-Banks国际子公司或其他委员会成员服从组织有三个部门投资银行(IB):客户通常是私人和公共instutons以及中型和全球公司每个客户都有自己的联系人。磅提供资本市场在欧洲productsprimarily私人和商业客户(PBC):这个部门Euro-Banks最大和最重要的部门,只服务私人客户和小businessesin投资的大部分客户段位于德国还在欧洲其他国家房地产lnvestments (El): El管理房地产和工业控股Alithough ratherinsignifcant这个部门。集团不会在可预见的未来撤出该行业,因为这具有重要的战略意义。问:为配合欧洲银行对核心业务的关注,该行裁员以降低成本。
编辑于 2020-05-27 18:57:00 回复(0)