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完成下面的编程练习,但要用正确的golf类声明替换那里的代码 。用带合适参数的构造函数替换setgolf(golf &, const char *, int),以提供初始值。保留setgolf()的交互版本,但要用构造函数来实现它(例如,setgolf()的代码应该获得数据,将数据传递给构造函数来创建一个临时对象,并将其赋给调用对象,即*this)。
// golf.h -- for pe9-1.cpp
const int Len = 40;
struct golf
       char fullname(Len);
       int handicap;
// non-interactive version:
// function sets golf structure to provided name, handicap
// using values passed as arguments to the function
void setgolf(golf & g, const char * name, int hc);
// interactive version:
// function solicits name and handicap from uaer
// and sets the members of g to the valus entered
// returns 1 if name is entered, 0 if name is empty string
int setgolf(golf & g);
// function resets handicap to new value
void handicap(golf & g, int hc);
// function displays  contents of golf structure
void showgolf(const golf &g);
golf ann;
setgolf(ann, "Ann Birdfree", 24);

golf andy;

//golf.h 头文件

const int Len=40;
struct golf
{  char fullname[Len]{};  int handicap;
void setgolf(golf &g,const char *name,int hc);
int setgolf(golf&g);
void handicap(golf& g,int hc);
void showgolf(const golf &g);

//golf_1.cpp 对头文件中函数原型说明

#include "golf.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void setgolf(golf &g,const char* name,int hc)
{  strcpy(g.fullname,name);  g.handicap=hc;
int setgolf(golf &g)
{  cout<<"Enter the name: ";  cin.getline(g.fullname,Len);  cout<<"Enter the handicap: ";  cin>>g.handicap;  if(*g.fullname=='\0')return 0;  else return 1;
void handicap(golf &g,int hc)
{  g.handicap=hc;
void showgolf(const golf &g)
{  cout<<"Name: "<<g.fullname<<endl;  cout<<"Handicap: "<<g.handicap<<endl;
//golf_m.cpp 主文件

#include "golf.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
{  golf g;  cout<<setgolf(g)<<endl;  showgolf(g);  setgolf(g,"xxx",12);  handicap(g,9);  showgolf(g);

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