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有如下示例数据: 订单表: A order_id user_

订单表: A
order_id user_id purchase_time
11701245001 11001 1498882475
11701245002 11002 1498882475
id order_id goods_id price
1 11701245001 1001 10
2 11701245001 1002 20
3 11701245002 1001 10
用SQL 查询2019年1月1日起至2019年8月16号之间(不含7月1号)购买过商品ID为1001的user_id和order_id、goods_id和price
  • select user_id,order_id,goods_id,price from A ,B where A.order_id=B.order_id and b.goods_id='1001' and purchase_time >='2019-01-01 00:00:00' and purchase_time <'2019-08-16 00:00:00';
  • SELECT b.`order_id`,a.`user_id`,b.`goods_id`,b.`price` FROM test_order a,test_order_item b WHERE a.`purchase_time` >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2019-01-01 00:00:00') AND a.`purchase_time` < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-16 00:00:00') AND b.`goods_id` = '1001' AND a.`order_id` = b.`order_id`;
  • SELECT b.`order_id`,a.`user_id`,b.`goods_id`,b.`price` FROM test_order a LEFT JOIN test_order_item b ON b.`order_id` = a.`order_id` WHERE a.purchase_time >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2019-01-01 00:00:00') AND a.purchase_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2019-08-16 00:00:00') AND b.`goods_id`='1001';
  • select a.user_id,a.order_id,b.goods_id,b.price from A a,B b where a.order_id=b.order_id and b.goods_id='1001' and a.purchase_time BETWEEN unix_timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00') and unix_timestamp('2019-08-16 00:00:00');
d选项between and 包含边界值
发表于 2020-09-07 16:59:58 回复(0)
发表于 2020-02-01 10:58:08 回复(0)
这个题出的不严谨,题目中没有给test_order 和 test_order_item表名
发表于 2021-04-24 00:04:14 回复(0)
between and不含右边界
发表于 2020-09-15 10:44:33 回复(0)
发表于 2020-07-14 20:53:43 回复(0)
为什么between and不行?
发表于 2020-03-17 23:06:59 回复(0)