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在双向链表中使用的节点类与单链表中使用的节点类相比,应有何不同?试定义并实 现双向链表中使用的节点类 DNODE



template <class T>
class DNode
circular links to the left and right
DNode<T> *left;
DNode<T> *right;
//data is public
T data;
// constructors
DNode (const T& item);
// list modification methods
void InsertRight(DNode<T> *p);
void InsertLeft(DNode<T> *p);
DNode<T> *DeleteNode(void);
//obtain address of the next node to the left or right 
DNode<T> *NextNodeRight(void) const;
DNode<T> *NextNodeLeft(void) const; 
//constructor that creates an empty list and
//leaves the data uninitialized. use for header 
template <class T>
//initialize the node so it points to itself
left = right = this;
//constructor that creates an empty list and initializes data 
template <class T>
DNode<T>::DNode(const T& item)
//set node to point to itself and initialize data
left = right = this; 
data = item;
//insert a node p to the right of current node 
template <class T>
void DNode<T>::InsertRight(DNode<T> *p)
//link p to its successor on the right
p->right = right;
right->left = p;
//link p to the current node on its left 
p->left = this;
right = p;
insert a node p to the left of current node 
template <class T>
void DNode<T>::InsertLeft(DNode<T> *p)
//link p to its successor on the left
p->left = left;
left->right = p;
// link p to the current node on its right
p->right = this;
left = p;
//unlink the current node from the list and return its address
template <class T>
DNode<T> *DNode<T>::DeleteNode(void)
//node to the left must be linked to current node's right
left->right = right;
//node to the right must be linked to current node's left
right->left = left;
//return the address of the current node
return this;
// return pointer to the next node on the right
template <class T>
DNode<T> *DNode<T>::NextNodeRight(void) const
return right;
// return pointer to the next node on the left
template <class T>
DNode<T> *DNode<T>::NextNodeLeft(void) const
return left;

发表于 2018-04-18 20:41:17 回复(0)