film表 字段 说明 film_id 电影id title 电影名称 description 电影描述信息 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS film ( film_id smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', title varchar(255) NOT NULL, description text, PRIMARY KEY (film_id)); category表 字段 说明 category_id 电影分类id name 电影分类名称 last_update 电影分类最后更新时间 CREATE TABLE category ( category_id tinyint(3) NOT NULL , name varchar(25) NOT NULL, `last_update` timestamp, PRIMARY KEY ( category_id )); film_category表 字段 说明 film_id 电影id category_id 电影分类id last_update 电影id和分类id对应关系的最后更新时间 CREATE TABLE film_category ( film_id smallint(5) NOT NULL, category_id tinyint(3) NOT NULL, `last_update` timestamp); 你能使用子查询的方式找出属于Action分类的所有电影对应的title,description吗



drop table if exists   film ;
drop table if exists  category  ; 
drop table if exists  film_category  ; 
  film_id smallint(5)  NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  title varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  description text,
  PRIMARY KEY (film_id));
CREATE TABLE category  (
   category_id  tinyint(3)  NOT NULL ,
   name  varchar(25) NOT NULL, `last_update` timestamp,
  PRIMARY KEY ( category_id ));
CREATE TABLE film_category  (
   film_id  smallint(5)  NOT NULL,
   category_id  tinyint(3)  NOT NULL, `last_update` timestamp);
INSERT INTO film VALUES(1,'ACADEMY DINOSAUR','A Epic Drama of a Feminist And a Mad Scientist who must Battle a Teacher in The Canadian Rockies');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(2,'ACE GOLDFINGER','A Astounding Epistle of a Database Administrator And a Explorer who must Find a Car in Ancient China');
INSERT INTO film VALUES(3,'ADAPTATION HOLES','A Astounding Reflection of a Lumberjack And a Car who must Sink a Lumberjack in A Baloon Factory');

INSERT INTO category VALUES(1,'Action','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(2,'Animation','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(3,'Children','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(4,'Classics','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(5,'Comedy','2006-02-14 20:46:27');
INSERT INTO category VALUES(6,'Documentary','2006-02-14 20:46:27');

INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(1,1,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(2,1,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');
INSERT INTO film_category VALUES(3,6,'2006-02-14 21:07:09');


ACADEMY DINOSAUR|A Epic Drama of a Feminist And a Mad Scientist who must Battle a Teacher in The Canadian Rockies
ACE GOLDFINGER|A Astounding Epistle of a Database Administrator And a Explorer who must Find a Car in Ancient China